Things you know before getting lip reduction
Things you know before getting lip reduction surgery


Every patient is not a candidate

If you are currently facing from the following, Dr. Pusit, Plastic Surgeon, founder Punisa Clinic Plastic and Cosmetic, will not recommend you to do the lip reduction surgery

1. If you have dental problem for instance, big gap between teeth
(Diastema), teeth stick out, Anterior crossbite. Doctor Pusit recommend to visit your dentist or orthodontist to get the teeth fix and get it done first

2. Lip Surgery is not advised for patients with braces who have teeth not all right tighten yet.

3. Lip Surgery is not recommend for patients that have Gummy smiles, show too much gum tissue when smile

4. Lip Surgery is not recommend for patients who have very thin lips, as 10-30 % of the tissue needs to be removed, which may cause over- reduction

5. Lips corner down

6. Patient who have an asymmetrical lip, asymmetric smile, uneven cupid’s bow

7. If patients have known risk factors for developing keloids, may want to avoid lip surgery

Men and women are equally likely to have keloids scars. Thoses with darkly pigmented skin, are more prone to keloids

All surgery has risks.


There is a lot to be considered before do lip surgery, patient should first find a professional, a board certified plastic surgeon who is highly experienced with lip surgery because a successful outcome depends on the skill of your surgeon and as importantly


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